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View Full Version : CMS recommendation for my needs.

16 Nov 2005, 01:30 PM
I am looking for a recommendation on a CMS system available similar to one I used in the past. I once had a CMS setup by a guy that was very basic and I loved it. Basically it just provided a login area and allowed me to pick the area I wanted to update then just add title, date, and content. From what I can tell most CMS systems seem to be a full package incorporating the visual layout of the page also like PostNuke or PHPNuke. This system just had a static line near the content box that I could copy and paste into my design wherever I wanted the content of this section to be published (like require calendar.php I believe). Where it was published it would just provide a link to the page it created and display the full content of the submission. On the system I need now I would like to have the option to have it publish links to popup’s or to display the full content.

I like the idea of having full control of the visual layout of my site the way I do with static designs but with the ability to add a CMS that has no effect on my design at all. i know there are tons of free one's available and free is always good but if you know of one that costs i am still interested in checking it out as a last resort (only because so many are available free).

16 Nov 2005, 10:21 PM
ok so i am getting the idea that i can do this with any of the popular CMS systems out there but i dont know what i am doing wrong i guess. i know very little about php and i think i may just need to RTFM as i always am telling people on the audio production sites where i am more help then harm (unlike here lol). if you have any recommendations on articles or tutorials let me know.