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View Full Version : Private Messaging feature on my site instead of e-mail for contact purposes?

29 Nov 2005, 07:08 PM
Hi there everyone. Hope you can help me here. I'm completely frustrated at this point trying to figure out how to add a private message feature to my website for those that don't want to correspond through email. To clearly explain what I'm trying to do, I found a site that offers this in there contact Us page as an example. Any help would be extremely appreciated.

Website example - Click contact Us and messaging. (Hopefully the site does'nt offend anyone, that's the only place I could quickly find that has what I'm trying to do. )


14 Dec 2005, 07:20 PM
what type of scripts can you run on your server?

if you want to, I set up private messaging on my forums in PHP and can tell you how if you wish.

first, depending on what database system you run, you'd need a table with data like:
sender, receiver, subject, time, message, read?, etc.

... get back to me if you run PHP and I can help you more then if you want.