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View Full Version : FortressITX datacentre question

12 Feb 2006, 10:47 PM
I noticed that Fortress ITX seem to claim to own the entire building based on the following...


" ..... to finally announce its much anticipated launch of our new fully

owned datacenter in Clifton, NJ. In the works for more than a

year of planning, coordinating, building and testing, the facility

is now live and operational..... "

It seems they claim to own the building when the building they are in is owned by Mountain Development Corp

There are a few other odditities about their notice. I look forward to hearing anyone elses views on this.

28 Feb 2006, 11:03 PM

Did you ask them about this?

Anyway, I don't see them claiming they own the building anywhere. They say they own the data center (you don't need to own the building).

