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View Full Version : Difference from IE, to Firefox

19 May 2006, 05:42 PM
Difference from IE, to Firefox,
just wanted to show ya a sample here, mainly the H1-4 tags and what not.
Heres the image


i however need to fix this by defining my h1-h6 tags in css.
Ugh, more work... (its designed for firefox atm)

20 May 2006, 10:59 AM
Yes, the default font size changes form one browser to another. And then even if we use the same browser, I can set the font sizes to whatever I want on my browser. Don't assume anything. If you want the font to be 18px hight then you must tell it to be 18px high. Don't assume that just cause your version of IE displayed it at 18px by default that the rest of the world will see it exactly the same as you did.