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View Full Version : Template Ruined

26 Jun 2006, 04:42 PM
I created a very pretty template in psd format, and when I tried to slice it, it worked out fine, until I started editing it in Dreamweaver. I have no idea how the tables work and am not willing to learn it unless it is simple, but if there is a way to layer my content inside a slice, then I will finish the template.

Here is the jpg of what the design shall look like, I will affiliate with anyone who designs the template for me out of the psd.


Please contact me at ::edit:: if you wish to complete the template, be affiliated with and perhaps even gain rights to republish the template. You could also present this as an example to other users who wish to purchase services from you.

If someone could explain to me how to stick a layer in the middle and if I succeed then I would also give them affiliate status on the site and forums, and rights to the template.

The psd is waiting to be turned into a CSS/HTML website, so be on the case right away.

28 Jun 2006, 05:11 AM
When you splice up the psd file you get a load of images and an html file. The html file produced by photoshop is junk. Put it in the bin. Open up DW with a blank page, click insert - image and put your images on the page using DW. DW won't make perfect html but it'll be a million times better than photoshop can pretend to do.

I don't understand why people think html is so hard before they have even tried. It's not rocket science. With tools like Dreamweaver, even a newbie can make a half decent page. The only thing you need to know is that photoshop can not make html. It says it can, but it's a lie.