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View Full Version : please help test/critique our BETA media site before we launch

27 Jun 2006, 06:58 PM
Hello! This isn't a plug, I swear! We really really need as many people as we can to tackle all aspects of this site before we launch!

There's been a few posts on this site before, but we've finally got it nearly completely running in beta form. The basic premise behind it is it's an anti-Ebaums sort of site. The artists that submit their video/flash/game/whatever will share in the total ad revenue of the site as long as they break a certain revenue threshold (currently $25). Obviously, this idea has a lot of loopholes and exploits that need to be resolved. Plus, the normal bugs that come with a content site where all videos are converted to flash. So, I'm turning to you guys for some help.

You can get as involved as you want with testing. If you just want to upload a few movies, great. If you just want to create an account, great. If you want to get more involved and hammer us with content, great. We really appreciate any assistance we can get. Also, let us know if you have any ideas/input on the site. We've already spoken with Weebls, Max from YTMND, Steve from Albino Black Sheep, and a few other content sites for input. Altf4/Trapezoid are also making us a movie for our 'debut'.

The site is http://www.eefoof.com and we need all sorts of help. Our IRC channel is located at irc.exploiter.org #eefoof, so you can feel free to drop by there.


29 Jun 2006, 11:25 AM
Not a fan of the color scheme. Good logo and short statement are easy for people to understand (though I don't think that many will ever see a great deal of cash). Layout looks too much like a template I've seen somewhere. Otherwise nav is good and easy to follow. Even so, the idea behind this site is not one I could see myself getting excited about...