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View Full Version : Layers... I dont want to use them! help!

02 Aug 2006, 04:08 PM
Hey I need help big time... I been trying to repair this problem all day, I want to be able to place pictures and text around my site in dreamweaver without having to use layers so I can move them around "freely".

Can anyone advise me on what to do...?

03 Aug 2006, 08:20 AM
If you want to move things around freely (drag and drop style) then layers are your only option. However, layers are often overused. Sure it's nice to drag things about, but a requirement to do so implies you didn't think about the design process properly before you started. You should have already decided where different elements of the page are going to go before you open up Dreaweaver.

Most of the time, you can position things without using layers. Simply letting things come one after the other is the obvious one. You don't need to tell the header to be above the content and the content above the footer cause that will happen naturally anyway.

For other things, it is often posible to position them using floats to put things to the left or right of the page. Then only the occational thing that you can't get right any other way can be put on a layer.