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View Full Version : Generously hiring web designer/programers

07 Aug 2006, 02:13 AM
Basically, I'm looking to generously hire someone (more or less professional) to help with some kind of 'moderately strange' web design/programming.
Alot of pretty technical (or from my perspective of the conceptualizer rather then the actualizer) stuff, which mainly deals with some interesting programming on forums...Some ideas for a concept that has been brewing in quite a few minds for awhile quite passionately. End goal: innovate ways to engage and involve in a highly interactive community, for no benefit of our own other then hopefully seeing some of that life helping outcomes of philanthropistic activism that most any dreamer dreams about. But it takes work and explanation. ...Probably more explanation then work. For starters, help is going to be needed in uploading and alligning content onto the site, creating a site e-mail, creating a membership form, then the bulk of the sites designing 'schemes' could be looked at next. In any case, if someone could get back to me sometime soon, I would be quite glad to fire off all the necessary details (or if you even happen to want to know the any of the 'whys' behind the site, feel free to ask that too)...

~*reveal all that i|s hidden*~

20 Aug 2006, 08:37 PM

We are web development firm and would like to work with you. Please contact us via messenger softorigin_msn@hotmail.com

Rest we can discuss on msn.

Thanking you,
Softorigin Team