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14 Aug 2006, 09:15 AM
Hi All,

I have to design a website for a uni module which involes a Bookshop. I have never seen a bookshop on the internet so im abit stuck on what to do, below are some of the things I need to include -

This small, family-run company sells books through a bookshop in Broomhill. It sells all kinds of books but focuses on 'Mind, Body, Spirit' themes. It organises classes at the local library for anyone interested in finding out more and learning techniques such as yoga, meditation, hypnotherapy etc. It hopes that the people who sign up for the classes will also want to buy books on these topics. The website should be a marketing tool to make people aware of the shop and the classes. It should also act as a focus for those interested in the 'Mind, Body Spirit' themes, so will need additional facilities such as a conference, links, reviews of books etc, quizzes.

Any examples of this sort of thing??


14 Aug 2006, 08:14 PM
Bookshops on the web? Amazon comes to mind, Barnes & Nobel, Powell's and there are probably hundreds of others. Did you try a Google search for book store or maybe bookstore (not sure which will work better)?