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View Full Version : Error meassge - MySql - Please Help

15 Aug 2006, 08:01 AM
Table 'touchof_automall1blue.re2_agents' doesnt exist

I am reasonaly new to MySql dbases.

I have uploaded a php website template to my host server.

Created a mySql dbase in Cpanel.

But still getting an error meassge that says:

Table 'touchof_automall1blue.re2_agents' doesnt exist.

Any help would be most grateful.

Will let you have my Cpanel details, if anybody can take a look.:)



15 Aug 2006, 04:33 PM
in the PHP echo the query (I presume your php creates the query from multiple varibliles) then look at the SQL, even run it through phpMyadmin to see its error report.