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View Full Version : Need some career advice...

17 Aug 2006, 10:38 AM
so i am up for review on Sep. 1st. which will lock up my $2 k a year raise. yippe.

anyway, what they want from me to ensure that the raise is worth the company investment is a report.

a report of what i see in the future for my website. i am the web master at an accounting software development company.

NOW, i currently use classic ASP pages, with some javascripts, i use CSS, ASP includes...im pretty good using Photoshop and Dreamweaver....im a MCSA and a CIW Web Master. I have got our company ranked 5th in Google under our most used Keyword....

my question to everyone is what can i bring to the table for some new web technolgoies, some new ideas...something that will help me lock this raise...

i need some help.
thanks all.

17 Aug 2006, 11:31 AM
Any chance you can post your website? Is the raise even par with the increase in the cost of living? It seems like you're review should be, why are YOU going to do for me so I stay with this company. It seems like with your skills you should have some negotiating power.

I'd like to see your site so I can maybe give some tips on future ideas...there are plenty out there!
