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View Full Version : Need some extra proof readers!

19 Aug 2006, 12:40 AM
I'm kind of new to HTML and Java and have been having a problem with the onMouseOver and onMouseOut functions. I have gone over the code time and time again but don't see what I am doing wrong. Since I am an old COBOL programmer I know an extra set of eyes always helps. I hope someone out there will see what I am doing wrong. Here's the code.....

<title>my page</title>
button1up = new Image; button1up.src = "dcwebstyles.gif";
button1down = new Image; button1down.src = "dcwebstyless.gif";
function MouseOverRoutine(ButtonName)
if (ButtonName=="button1") (document.button1.src = button1down.src;)
function MouseOutRoutine(ButtonName)
if (ButtonName=="button1") (document.button1.src = button1up.src;)


<a href="mysite.html" onMouseOver="MouseOverRoutine('button1')"
<Img Src="dcwebstyles.gif" name="button1">


Thanks for any help.