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View Full Version : Teenwebsite

22 Aug 2006, 07:31 AM
Hello, I'm new at this forum, and i've already a quistion:

i'm about 1,5 years trying to make a clean, good-looking teenwebsite for teens ofcourse. But i'm really out of inspiration! I already watched at DeviantArt for inspiration, but everytime i think i have the solution.. i mess up..

Wich colors should i use, and, what kinda shapes should i use?

I hope u all can help me.

01 Sep 2006, 04:25 PM
instead of opnening a blank document in photoshop, use a pen and paper and write things down, photoshop kills imagination dead.

try to do cutouts of all the elements of your website with card and lay them out, juggle them around and see if you get ideas

good luck, but reemember, good design takes time.
and also because of your taget audiance of teens you might get away with doing a table based design (slapping myself now) but think about it.