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View Full Version : Having trouble with a jump menu

14 Sep 2006, 04:27 AM
Hello, was wondering if anyone could help me out with an issue I am having:

I have a pop-up menu going along the top of a webpage and below it I have inserted a jump menu. It looks fine at first but when the pop-up menu is active and drops down, the jump menu is displayed in front of the drop down menu and I would like it behind.

Here is the page www.alston.bham.sch.uk/newsletters/early2.htm

Can anyone help me?

14 Sep 2006, 08:39 AM
The dropdown menus do show over the jump box in Firefox, but not in IE6.

The dropdowns seem to be from DynamicDrive and I wouldn't want to alter them as they work alright.

Perhaps you could you try putting a z-index: 5 for all them and z-index: 1 for the jump box.
Or as a last resort, move the jump box down below the lowest dropdown, you have room.