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View Full Version : FTP Login Page?

02 Oct 2006, 09:33 AM
Hi, I have a basic FTP site with around 10 users, and want to host a simple login page using apache. At the moment users tap in the IP address of the server into their browser, then have to select Login As... and enter their username and password.

Can anyone give me some code for a simple login form, so the users can just enter their username and password and they will be logged in? The server accepts logins in the format ftp://username:password@ A form that auto-submits this information to the server would be great!

Thanks, Mat :drink:

18 Oct 2006, 07:55 PM
I could, but it requires using a scripting language, either server or client side, depending on your server's capabilities. Also, the user:password@blah.com method of logging in leaves the user's password very visible. I don't think there would be enough advantages to this method to justify doing it. If you really want to do it, I can help you, but I wouldn't recommend doing this.