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View Full Version : saving entered text.

08 Oct 2006, 04:59 PM
I have almost got my whole site design except for on two pages and i need some help on what to do. What i do want is to have 4 Forms(list/menu) and then a submit button. The user comes to the webpags and selects there favorite color,pet,season,food and then enters their name and clicks submit. THen the user is taken to the next webpage where there are 4 Large boxes showing there choices and others names of people that have chosen the same in each catogory. I am pretty new to dreamweaver and am not sure where to start at all with this. Any help is appreciated*

08 Oct 2006, 05:37 PM
your looking at php and database's. something you can do in dreamweaver, but you do need to have knowledge outside of dreamweaver (aka in php and mysql (or an equivilant)