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27 Oct 2006, 04:55 PM
Hello, I'm new here. I've been doing web design for a few years, trouble is I'm more designer than coder. So some things i am pretty ignorant about.

I am making a new website for my band, and for the longest time i've been curious as to how to get the website to scroll the way i want it. I've been mainly using Iframes (http://www.willoftheancients.com) but i'm gettin sick of that.

my new design is here: http://www.willoftheancients.com/steve/layouts.html

but I am trying to make the windows run seemlessly to the bottom of the window like this: http://www.thyrfing.com

any help would be greatly appreciated.

28 Oct 2006, 04:54 AM
The page http://www.thyrfing.com/ does not have a scrollbar because it is a frameset which either doesn't provide one if the content is small or you can add noscrolling. If you make the viewing window of thyrfing smaller than the centre image scrollbars will appear.

Your page has more content including Upcoming Shows below the images so a vertical scrollbar would occur for most viewers.

If you put just the main image in a frameset and used it as an entry link like thyrfing then you would not get a scrollbar. See
where the top frames do not have a scrollbar even in IE, but the bottom frame has one because there is lots of content.

Or just centralise the image vertically and horizontally. See
Firefox never provides a vertical scrollbar unless it is required but IE will provide a dummy one which you cannot avoid except by using a frameset or javascript.