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View Full Version : HTML form handling

16 Nov 2006, 11:58 AM
Hi all,

I am trying to create an online job application for a client and wondering if anyone can make any suggestions to point me in the right direction. What I want is a standard HTML form that then emails the output in a logical format.
I am currently using pair's cgiemail template:


but noticing that when I have checkboxes to select multiple options, a list is printed out with gaps between the options that don't look so good.


Where would you like to apply:
[chkbox]option 1
[chkbox]option 2
[chkbox]option 3
[chkbox]option 4

is emailed as

Applicant wants to apply to


if those are the 3 that they wanted and in the longer lists of options it's really ugly and hard to read. Could anybody make any suggestions for an easier way to do this? I am somewhat familiar with php and pretty familiar with HTML. Essentially I want something more customizable than cgiemail I guess.

Thanks in advance!
