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View Full Version : Browser Aware

28 Nov 2006, 07:59 AM

was reading some online marketing newlsetter that reprimanded a website for not being "browser aware."

I assume that this means that the pages represent the same in each of the major browswers ... is that right? and if so, how do you create browser aware pages?

thanks in advance for any feedback

28 Nov 2006, 10:36 AM
1. Keep your code simple as all browsers display simple code the same way (nearly anyway).
2. Validate (check) code as some browsers tolerate errors that others get in a tizz with. http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
3. Check how your page shows on other browsers http://browsershots.org/ This only does one page at a time with a bit of a delay but it can be useful.