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View Full Version : Help:Scripting

05 Dec 2006, 05:34 AM
I have an ftp part of my site for clients to upload and download data. I currently can password protect one directory and use perl to generate the ftp area of the site (The perl script was provided by my host).

I have lets say 6 clients all wanting to use the ftp part of my site but i need each of those clients to have their own directory which i can manage and i can password protect and will work fine. My issue is with the login. I need a single area where the client would login and they would be directed to their specific directory and only see their files and not other client files. Can someone please help me? How can this be achieved? I have heard that using php may solve my problem i have no idea where to start with this though. Is there an easier solution or can someone please give me a place to start with getting this to work with php?