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View Full Version : Bad gatewys

05 Dec 2006, 09:16 PM

I have been creating some simple self-referencing and linked ASP pages in VbScript. These work 'perfectly' when tested on my local laptop using XP Pro running IIS as the 'localhost' server and a local copy of MySql.

When uploaded to our Society's ISP site which is Linux Based running SunOne ASP (and MySql), the same pages work fine 90% of the time, but occasionally cause a 'Bad Gateway' on clicking the form's Submit button. On clicking the browser's 'Reload Current Page' button', the expected new page appears and everything continues OK until the next random Bad Gateway. This happens with IE and Firefox browsers.

Our ISP Technical Support response is that 'Bad Gateways' are a known fault with SunOne ASP, but I haven't found any other reference to this 'bug'. Does anyone else recognise my problem?

The ISP's solution is to move us to a Windows-based service, but I will then have to learn how to handle MsSql.

Any thoughts?