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View Full Version : PHP certification help!!!!

06 Dec 2006, 12:23 PM
I do a lot of front end web design work using XHTML/CSS and I want to get serious into back end programming. I want to stick with open source programs like Apache, MySQL and Php. I am looking to get certified in all of these programs so I can put it on my resume as well as the projects that I’ve worked on.

Right now I am reading ‘Beginning PHP and MySQL 5’ by W. Jason Gilmore. It is pretty good about how both programs work but I feel I am getting lost in the book. It reads more like a textbook when I want to learn by doing. What I want is a book with problems that they want you to complete for each additional topic taught. Does anyone have suggestions?? Also does anyone know of any books like that for MySQL?

Please help me out guys and girls. I don’t really have any prior knowledge on these programs. Any other book that anyone suggests for me to learn these programs I am open to suggestions. Thanks everyone.