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View Full Version : Dreamweaver 8 Mystery

Jerry Gibson
13 Dec 2006, 03:25 PM
In response to a previous question on wheter Dreamweaver 8 or Frontpage is better, I believe that Dreamweaver is potentially better. Frontpage, after all, will not accept most servers and browsers other than Microsoft. However, I have tried them both and Frontpage appears to be a lot more stable. In my DM8 editor I was able to configure my site perfectly and recieved all the correct messages, including :"now connected to your site...." and yet when I go to my website, the changes that Dreamweaver claimed were made and the fact that I uploaded correctly have not changed the site at all. In fact, it has not changed since I was using MX. I experimented with a trial version of Contribute but uninstalled it. I was also using Coldfusion, until I disabled it. But it still does not register after an edit, although, when I preview it in my iexplorer browser it shows the changes showing on my DM8 screen. Has anyone out there had this problem. My web design has drawn to a complete halt now. Help!

05 Jan 2007, 11:55 AM
i would recommend not using the FTP service built into dreamweaver. Sounds like that's the culprit.
You can manually upload your files and if you have in fact made changes... they should be there when you access the site and refresh your cache.