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View Full Version : Advice needed Please

19 Jan 2007, 02:28 PM
I would like to create a site that allows users to post pictures and descriptions, this information be catagorized in a searchable database and displayed for other users using the search function or browsing catagories.
What program(s) and or language would i use to do this?

Any ideas or advice that points me in the right direction would be appreciated.


28 Jan 2007, 04:23 PM
I would like to create a site that allows users to post pictures and descriptions, this information be catagorized in a searchable database and displayed for other users using the search function or browsing catagories.
What program(s) and or language would i use to do this?
(X)HTML, CSS, and probably JS
A server side langauge (PHP, ASP, etc.)

A coding environment
MySQL/PostgreSQL/MS-SQL etc. (Any database server; MySQL and PostgreSQL are both free)
A web server that supports your server side language

This is quite the complicated endeavor. Any advanced server side work is. I don't know much about the availability of these kinds of scripts, but you may end up having to code much of it yourself. If this is the case, get a framework to help you out with creating this. I have a friend who I consider to be quite the 1337 h4xor who likes the PHP framework Code Igniter and is using it to make some pretty nice stuff. I wouldn't enter a project like this lightly though; it will require a ton of effort and you should be sure that it will pay off first.