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View Full Version : Tables have issues in FireFox and IE7...Please Take A Look

24 Jan 2007, 11:53 PM
Hi all,

Would you kindly take a look and see why it shows fine in IE6 (soon to be replaced with IE7), but looks bad in FireFox and IE7?


Would you kindly let me know how to fix them? I have been tweaking them in DreamWeaver8 and FrontPage 2003.

Also, would you let me know how can I adjust its size? It looks fine on my 24" Dell LCD, but in smaller LCDs and Laptops looks bad. I can definitely change the pictures, or make them smaller. In other words how do web designers design their web size and layouts?

Thanks again.

25 Jan 2007, 03:46 AM
The main difference I see between IE6 and Firefox/IE7 is that in IE6 the #container with the orange border goes right down to the bottom below the right text saying "Thank You" but in FF/IE7 the border stops higher up just near "Feel free...".

You have height: 550px; in #container. Delete this and the background color and border are free to go down as far as necessary.

There is another difference between IE7 and Firefox. In FF the interstate flyover image has flipped down to a lower level. In IE7 it is on the right but the orange border cuts down half way through it. Increase the min-width of #container from 700px to 980px and the border will be to the right of the flyover image and FF should have enough space for the image. 980px also provides enough width for the Welcome to Hollywood table below.

There are other problems but is is better with the above edits.

Note that IE6 does not support min-width but seems to have created more than enough width.