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View Full Version : Database site Launched - NEED HELP!!!

25 Jan 2007, 04:59 PM
So I just launched my website, http://www.gamefray.com . My web developer coded the website using Ruby on Rails. Now he says that the website will only be able to accommodate in the low thousands in terms of the # of users.

He is also saying, that to have the website be able to handle millions of users, it could cost me an estimated $300,000 !!!!

I don't know what to do. Do I get it redesigned completely?

Is it because there are limits to Ruby on Rails?

Will a redesign in a different code format make it cheaper to do then upgrading?

How much do you think it would cost to make a website that would be able to accomidate millions of users?

I really need help. This website is my dream, but so far I have been nothing but dissapointed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


28 Jan 2007, 10:26 PM
$300,000 seems like a large overestimate to me, although a site that size would cost a lot of money- we could be talking at least $$,$$$.

I don't know much about Ruby on Rails, so I don't know anything about it's limits. Perhaps your coder failed to emphasize efficiency in the coding, especially if it wasn't completely custom built. I don't know if we have any Ruby on Rails coders in this forum, so I'm not sure how much help you can get in that respect.

If you're talking about millions of users you'd also end up hosting on your own dedicated servers with high efficiency OS's, Oracle Database, etc. All these would make the price climb very fast. But if your site is taking off that much, the money would be there.