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View Full Version : How can i do this?

04 Feb 2007, 01:07 PM
Hey guys,

on my website there is a page which pulls some articles from a database, and on that page it displays things like the article, author name, author link etc. the thing is right now the page displays the authors link like www.swiftmediauk.co.uk but we want it to say "View Website".

This is the code that pulls that link:

if($row['link . $i'] != null)
echo("<a href=\"http://" . $row['link$i'] . "\">" . $row['link$i'] . "</a><br />");

Can anybody tell me what that line should read to make the link appear as View Website please?

04 Feb 2007, 06:34 PM
Just change the code to this:

if($row['link . $i'] != null)
echo("<a href=\"http://" . $row['link . $i'] . "\">View Website</a><br />");