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03 Mar 2007, 02:09 PM
Hi there,

I hope it isn't rude of me to just pop in and ask for a review, but the truth is, that's why I found this forum on Google - looking for places to ask advice about this site and sites to come. I'm not new to web design but I'm new to good web design standards. I've only newly realized the full importance of creating a website such that everyone can see it the same. More fool I. But I hope to get better. This site was the first in which I really focused on accessibility... and I might have failed. That's why I would really appreciate anything anyone has to offer in the way of critique. :)


redirects to


The redirect might be a mistake, I know. I don't like it, but it was requested by my family, whose product this is, and I didn't know how else to redirect, save with http-equiv="refresh".

Anyway, thanks very much in advance! :)