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View Full Version : Looking for a best solution

14 May 2007, 01:06 AM
I have a little bit of experience and knowledge of ASP, MySQL, Access, HTML and XHTML.

Now to explain the scenario. Simplified a bit, I plan on designing a site where you can enter your email address and enter it into a database. Each time someone enters their address, an already existing address in the database is randomly selected and sent a message.

My question is, which language/program would be best to do this in? I don't know enough about any one in partiular to do it right off the bat, so I would like to know which would be the best to learn more in depth. Or maybe I should learn something entirely new like PHP?

Thanks in advance, and let me know if more clarification is needed.

14 May 2007, 09:52 AM
Pretty much any combination of Server Side Language and Database Server will work. I usually use PHP and MySQL, but since you already know ASP, going that route may be easier for you. I believe you can use ASP with most of the databases you can use PHP with, so you should be able to pretty much pick what database you use (MySQL, MS-SQL, etc.).