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View Full Version : Using FCKEditor for commercial projects

11 Jul 2007, 04:58 AM
I'm building a CMS and hope to include FCKEditor in it. The price for a license for FCKEditor is very expensive, and far too expensive to justify increasing the price of my CMS.

So I'm wondering, would I still be able to use it as long at I state that the client isn't paying for FCKEditor, and that it's open source. I'd be charging the client for the database, hosting, and all the other work the CMS does. Obviously I'd add text at the bottom of the page where FCKEditor is being used to state it's open source with a link to the license.

I also plan to encrypt my CMS, however I wouldnt be encrypting the FCKEditor folder, or if I did I would be including a zip file of FCKEditor.

Would all that be ok?