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View Full Version : Menu Transparent in IE

27 Jul 2007, 03:23 AM
The problem affects the menu on the left of this site: http://www.aarconsult.net

When viewing the menu in firefox, opera or safari the menu is fine.

But when you look at it in IE the background is transparent and is almost unreadable.

What could be causing this?

It is based on the menu from a list apart: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/horizdropdowns

If you could help it would be awesome! This problem has been bothering me for weeks


27 Jul 2007, 08:50 AM
I thought at first that it must be the png images which often give transparency problems in IE but I didn't download them and the main text still showed through the background colors of the fly-out menu so it must be a problem with the menu code.

It's a common function of these menus. I have one where the drop down menus were not "disappearing" or being transparent in IE7, but when I added some text in the containing div, the drop down or fly-out menus that would have occupied the same space did not show at all. When I limited the width of the text <p> tag, the nearest drop down menus did not show but those further away did show, so obviously any text permanently occupying the space takes priority. Z-index does not seem to work.

I don't know what to suggest at the moment except to look for a menu that does not have this effect. Try
perhaps this one:-
which does not extend to the side.