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View Full Version : Legal Question

27 Jul 2007, 11:13 AM
We hired a marketing company to make our website and do marketing. They subcontract the making of our website, which has had a lot of problems.

We paid the marketing company several thousand dollars and told them we no longer wanted to stay with them since we felt they weren't doing ANY marketing. They sent us a bill for several more thousand dollars and we asked for an itemized bill of some sort to show what they thought we owed them more money for. we have not received anything back in over a month.

Hired a new marketing company and want to switch over our website. The company that made our website said they will not share any information because the first marketing company requested they not help us because they say we owe them(the marketing company) money.

I spoke with the website company and they say they have been paid, but won't give me any info because their contract was with the marketing company not us.

I feel like our website accessability is being held hostage! Is it legal for them to do this?

29 Jul 2007, 02:09 AM
A good reading of the contract you had with the marketing firm should give you a good idea of what the agreed upon right and responsibilities of both parties are. After that the best way to proceed is to talk to a lawyer. Paying for a consultation isn't expensive and is the best way to get a legal opinion that is based on law and not what someone thinks the law should or might be.