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View Full Version : Need help distinguishing technology used for personalization feature

05 Aug 2007, 07:32 PM
Hi there!

I would appreciate if someone could help me figure out what technology was used to have the personalization feature that this web site uses:


I know how to add an "upload photo" feature, but to actually have the user type in text and have it show up on the card is completely beyond me. I tried looking through the source and am completely lost. Any help would be SUPER appreciated. I have a client who wants this kind of ecommerce site and I don't want to take on the project unless I'm 100% sure I know how to produce what he needs.


09 Aug 2007, 03:21 PM
Hi there!

I would appreciate if someone could help me figure out what technology was used to have the personalization feature that this web site uses:


I know how to add an "upload photo" feature, but to actually have the user type in text and have it show up on the card is completely beyond me. I tried looking through the source and am completely lost. Any help would be SUPER appreciated. I have a client who wants this kind of ecommerce site and I don't want to take on the project unless I'm 100% sure I know how to produce what he needs.

Interesting website alright. Can you program in PHP? I see in the second link to the site they are using PHP - this much I know (not sure if you picked up on that or not).

So, we're still at the beginning but at least we now know they are doing it in PHP.

A look at their source indicates they are using a lot of Javascript and they are also using CSS.

So, that's how they are doing it: PHP, JS, CSS.
