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View Full Version : 'index.html?page=home' vs 'home.html' problem!

30 Aug 2007, 01:23 AM
Hey guys,

I'm designing my website (currently http://fatfroggenius.freehostia.com) and at the moment I have a menu that loads a page into an iFrame, which seems to work pretty well (I know a lot of people frown upon this, but it did help to speed up my site).
When a user clicks on the 'home' link in the main menu, the 'home.html' page is loaded into an iFrame called "iframe2", which has worked fine.
I have designed it so if a user happens to right click the link and open it into a new window, it will reload itself as "index.html?page=home", which Javascript then translates into "load home.html into iframe2" sort of thing.

My problem:
After the page is loaded in a new window, and it's changed to index etc.... for some reason, when a user LEFT-clicks a link on the menu page (such as 'webdesign.html'), it actually loads 'webdesign.html' over the entire 'index.html' rather than into the 'iframe2'...

The call from the menu is made as a simple link with a target:

href="webdesign.html" target="iframe2"

Again, this works when the page is loaded through a link on 'index.html', but not after its loaded through "index.html?page=webdesign"

Please, any help would be greatly appreciated! If you need me to explain anything again just let me know! It's hard to explain :P

Just as an example, try these links:

http://fatfroggenius.freehostia.com (and try load 'web design' from the top menu)





..and after each of them load, try to load one of the other links from the menu...
Do the last two load into the iframe, or do they load the new page by itself?


Ryan Stock // fatfroggenius

02 Sep 2007, 02:02 AM
Has anyone got any idea how to help? I really have no idea how to fix it :(
