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View Full Version : Websites that may contain alot of function?

10 Sep 2007, 10:00 AM
I was just wanting to hear some opinions...

scenario: i have a client who needs newsletter subscription, contact form, and login

would it be better to go w/ something like drupal? a cms? or to do a css/html site and add in some open script for the functionality of the site?

12 Sep 2007, 07:55 PM
That realy depends on a couple of different things:

how each part of the site is going to be used
If the client wants to make changes them selves
The budget for the project
Your skill level

Any type of CMS would make things easy for any later changes, but not necessary, and making the best use out of any of them really depends on your skill level. If you have used one before, by all means use it. If the client wants control of the site you, would have to use one.

What I would do is use HTML/XHTML and CSS for the main structure of the site. If the site is going to be hosted on a Windows server, use ASP scripts of the contact form and the login section. If it is going to be hosted on a Linux server, like Apache, use PHP scripts for the contact form and login section.

A coupe of options for the newsletter:

Use an ASP or PHP script to collect the data
Use Constant Contact (http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp) - a third party web site
Use AWeber (http://www.aweber.com/) - a third party web site

Using an ASP or PHP script is the cheapest and easiest way to go. I personally set up most clients with Constant Contact for newsletters. AWeber is the way to go if they need a newsletter and an auto responder.

There are other options, but these are the ones I have used on multiple projects.

Hope that helps.