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View Full Version : Critique/Advice on architectural site

02 Oct 2007, 10:10 AM

I'm about 90% done with this site I'm doing for my father glass company. This is my first site that I built from the ground up so any and all feedback is welcome. I have a couple of years self-taught experience from updating my other company's website. I read a lot of FAQ's and best practices and I think I incorporated them. If I missed something, I'm all ears. Some areas I'd really appreciate feedback/advice are:

- About Us: Is it too long? Boring? Too repetitive?

- Images: a) A hard drive crashed with all of our old job photos. I had to scan a few images and they don't look as good. Does it give a bad vibe?
b) Some photos are used more than other throughout the site. Do you get sick of seeing them?
c) A few photos are professionally taken. Most are just snapped in the field with a decent (I think 5 MegaPixels) digital camera. Would you rather see 100 decent pictures in a wide range of applications or 20 professionally taken photos? Is it that important, what kind of impression does it give off? I'm on the fence with this one.

- We don't have a website and the catalog/brochures haven't been updated since the early 90s. The website was supposed to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I made the site to be less than 600 pix wide so that it would print without switching to landscape. It isn't a WYSIWYG print because I used background images and would waste a lot of paper with white space. Is there a way to get good printed copy? I can't figure out how to export it as a pdf with the background images and not printing 5 pages when it should be 2 or 3. (I use Dreamweaver MX 2004, photoshop cs2, acrobat 8)

- I used the validator at http://validator.w3.org/. I get consistent errors from the background images on all of the pages. It's pulling up errors on this line:
<td background="images/titlebar2.jpg" height="65"><table width="594" height="66" border="0" cellspacing="0">

It's saying the " are causing problems with td background and table height. I changed it to:

<td background=images/titlebar2.jpg height="65"><table width="594" height=66 border="0" cellspacing="0">

It went from 2 errors to 31 errors (check aboutus.htm and aboutus2.htm to see what I'm talking about)

- I don't have the Windows and Canopies portfolio page yet. I know that the Contact Us form isn't working correctly, I'm switching servers and it should fix the problem.

Some competitors websites for reference:

Thanks in advance. I'd also love to see general comments about layout, navigation, colors, etc.
