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View Full Version : What do ya'll think?

02 Oct 2007, 02:48 PM
I just got finished with designing and getting this guy together. Let me know how it looks to you, colors kinda have to stay the same - but I'm thinking about changing the color of the links in the body..


02 Oct 2007, 05:54 PM
404 error: http://iems.ucf.edu/academics/undergrad.htm

The site header, by convention, should be a link back to the home page.

Some links take you to the main school site, but there doesn't seem to be any way to get back except the "back" button, fine if it's one page, not so good if you've clicked a couple of times.

The navigation is clear and well thought out, although the drop down links are problematic sometimes to click on (if you're not exactly on ykou'll lose it and have to start over).

The link color is fine, although just a tad darker would probably make it appear to be a closer match to the color in the larger blocks on the pages.

Over all, very nicely done.