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View Full Version : most efficient hypertext

15 Oct 2007, 12:00 AM
Greetings all and thanks in advance for your help.

I am interested in developing hypertext essays for the web and would appreciate your advice on the most efficient way to present them. A couple of years I created a little thing I called "truth web". It consists of a number of little essays, each on its own web page. Rather than putting hyperlinks in the text itself (which seemed potentially disruptive for the reader), I put links in boxes along the sides of the essays. I used a very simple design, with the same background on all the pages. (http://www.thinedge.org/members/mark/files/hypertxt/position.htm)

Now I am interested in continuing this idea, and my plan is to go back to those pages and make the code on each as simple as possible, so that even a great number of them would not take up much space, and so they would load quickly even on a pitiful dial-up connection like my own. My question, before beginning this work, is whether there are more efficient ways to create bodies of hypertext. I have heard a little about WIKIs, and while I am not interested in offering editing privileges to a community, I got the impression some Wiki software might offer an efficient platform for my essays. I also own a hypertext novel, which is clearly put together with something other than HTML pages. Anyway, if anyone knows of interesting options I'd be grateful to hear about them. My suspicion is that nothing could be simpler than a bare bones html page.