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View Full Version : Help with a Pop-Up on my site please

16 Oct 2007, 01:18 PM
Hi All,
I have a website with a mailing list subscription form. I use aweber for my mailing list management and auto-responder. With that service, I can put a javascript pop-up hover box on my site for people to subscribe with. They don't however give me the ability to place the pop up anywhere but the center of the page. I don't want that because it covers up my sales copy. I like the pop up because it draws attention to it and increases my subscribers, but I want it to be off to the left hand side of the page somewhat out of the way because I don't want to detract from the copy.

So what I think I need to do is build my own script for th page to generate the pop-up and then pass the info to aweber. How can I do this or is there a resource anyone knows of I can pay a fee to in order to accomplish this?

Much Appreciated.

16 Oct 2007, 08:35 PM
Before jumping into the details, some quesitons:

Do you know HTML and Javascript? That is, can you program a web page in those languages? If you can then you can do this yourself - if you can't then you'll have to hire someone to do it.

You may be able to figure out some things about the popup on your website - popups are done using Javascript so if you view the web page source code from your browser you might be able to see the JS source that postions the popup. Further, if you have access to the web page source code then better yet, you can can change those x,y values to 0,0 to place the popup in the upper left corner where you want them.

If all of that is too much for you, then you should just hire someone to do it - it's a very easy fix when you know HTML and JS.