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View Full Version : How to price the web work?

26 Oct 2007, 03:39 PM

I'm a web designer, just stated freelancing. I have no idea how to price a project. I have my first prospect intend to know how much I charge for updating a website with pictures & text content provided, about 10 pages, the timeframe is 4 days. Can any one who has experiences let me know how to price this project?

Thank you.

I appreciate it. :xeye:

David Bowley
28 Oct 2007, 03:29 PM
This question has been asked a few times on this forum, and the best answer has always been this in my opinion:

How much is your time worth?

Because you can charge whatever you like, so long as the client is willing to foot the bill. It's up to you how much you charge, often when people are starting out they charge a lot cheaper because they are new to it and want to ease themselves in.

If you are confident about your skills, then charge the maximum you think you should get paid.