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View Full Version : CSS Drop Shadows for Columns Help

30 Oct 2007, 05:11 PM
I am running into the same problem quite frequently. When the content of my page is on a centered column, and I'm using a drop shadow on the left and right borders, there is always a visible line where the drop shadow image is re-starting. Here (http://www.zelda.com/universe/game/phantomhourglass/) is a good example of what I'm talking about. Basically I'm just tileing the drop shadow vertically, but every time it tiles, you can see! I need help! How can I create a more smoothed looking drop shadow for my columns? Here (http://pure-essence.net/2003/03/26/css-drop-shadow/) is an example of what I would like my shadows to look like.
I just found another perfect example of a smooth drop shadow on a centered column here (http://msunely.blogspot.com/2007/10/recommended-dtds-to-use-in-your-web.html) in the forum. Its smooth!

31 Oct 2007, 04:49 AM
In regards to your background image, you should make it only 1px high and then repeat it. In regards to the shadow finishing at the bottom, the only way to fix this is by adding an image to the bottom, say 10px high, with a rounded drop shadow on the corners. Like - http://clients.perthweb.com.au/ertech/ (I work for the company who made this site - I did the cut-up) Notice that the rounded drop shadows are actually part of the image itself.

That is how you get the desired effect.