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View Full Version : Review: MetalMusicMan.com

21 Nov 2007, 03:27 AM
I just did some updates to my site and re-vamped the layout and features, if you would be so kind as to take a minute and check it out and let me know what you think, I'd be grateful.


21 Nov 2007, 09:19 AM
The layout is okay , but something about the text is not right. Maybe it should wrap around the pictures more consistently. the font size might be a bit to big. the color for the text background try #000000 and #cccccc for the font. try to reduce the empty spaces. Hope this make sense. I like the banner

I just did some updates to my site and re-vamped the layout and features, if you would be so kind as to take a minute and check it out and let me know what you think, I'd be grateful.
