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View Full Version : Updatable content management plus email

25 Nov 2007, 02:13 AM
Firstly I am new to this so apologies is this is the wrong place. Also I am sure this has been covered already, but in all my searching I couldn't quite find the answer.

Basically I am looking to design a simple website for a friend that is part of an optical franchise. The design is simple, but he has requested that any of the opticians be able to login and add news items. Also he wants it so that when one optician adds a news item, all the other opticians are told that news has been added through an email.

My research so far has told me that the first part is possible with PHP and mysql, not that I really understand it (see thread below). But the second part I have no idea. I guess its just like a blog so it cant be too difficult.


Anyway, if anyone can point me in the right direction or recommend any program or code that I can buy to do this it would be very welcome.


25 Nov 2007, 05:28 AM
See if they have what you want
