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View Full Version : Code generator for a .NET API

10 Dec 2007, 10:20 PM
I am developing a .NET API for a travel reservation system. I have tried many code generators but none of them has been able to help me to develop our API that, eventually, is going to be exposed as a web service. I am wondering if anybody used any code generator applications for developing a .NET API? Thanks a lot!

12 Dec 2007, 01:15 AM
I certainly understand the problem that you are facing. There are not so many code generators that produce a separation of the application layers. I am using OxyGen Code that is available at http://www.techinceptions.com/codegenerator.html. Why don’t you give it a try? I am sure that you will get up to speed very soon and OxyGen Code will facilitate a smooth development process for the project that you are working on. Happy Holidays!