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View Full Version : Urgent Advice needed

11 Dec 2007, 07:41 PM

I have a small web design business in Australia and have a client who wants a shopping cart with certain features. I have been reviewing quite a few different shopping cart scripts and software and can't find one that quite fits his needs as far as I can tell.

I was wondering if someone on here knows a software or script that I can set up reasonably easily, and will do/have the following.

1. Layout with products going down the page, room for a brief description, a quantity box (that can recognise portions eg. 0.5 - used for weight) and add to cart button (no need to click to a new page).

2. Online login access for the client to add products and access orders. Also be able to download orders for specific date range into single file.

3. Have manual (offline) processing ability for credit card orders.

4. Be able to hide products when not in stock (without needing to delete them).

Any help would be appreciated as I need to get back to the client ASAP to tell him if I can do his site for him.


12 Dec 2007, 12:38 AM
You should be able to do that with just about any good shopping cart script. Layout (1) is a matter of formatting a template for the desired arrangement of all the elements; (2) Login access should be available with every script ... how else is one going to interface with it?; Off line credit card processing (3) isn't something you would even have to look for, since doing something manually wouldn't be part of any script you would use; (4) Hiding products not in stock is also very common.

If working with scripts isn't something you're comfortable with you might look at something like http://www.vstore.ca/ that lets you set this up for free.