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View Full Version : Development help needed today! Less than one hour of work = $50 bucks

18 Dec 2007, 11:20 PM
Ok I know it sounds silly, but I HAD an order form on my website, but it for some reason has stopped working now that I am on a new server, although my hosting company insisted, that if I just FTP everything over it will work fine. So here is what I am stuck with and need,
I need a form and a form processor to basically do this:
Collect info, Name, Address, Email, etc, Also get a quantity 50, 100. 150 etc.
Submit to a MySQL Db, and then go to confirm page,
they will see the order info they submitted on the last page, name, address etc,
here is where it gets too much for me. I need to calculate a few things,
Qty they selected on prev page * $.25. = Subtotal
If they are in my state subtotal * 1.07 if out of state subtotal * 1
Shipping if Qty < 100 shipping cost = $10, if Qty >= 100 but <500 shipping cost = $ 20, if Qty > 500 shipping cost + 30.
Verify that this is correct, check yes/no,
on submit, update db, send email to them and me, take to success page!

Thats it in rough speak. I know it is crude, but I need to be able to quote orders tomorrow. Please, if you think you can help me out bu 5:00 EST Wednesday, call me at 770.837.9813 or emial rfair404@gmail.com.