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View Full Version : Feedback Please

24 Feb 2008, 05:19 AM
Finally got round to get the site professionally done and here is the new Baize LTD site.


I've been getting mixed reviews from other sites and I was wondering what do people here thought about it?

We are always trying to develop and improve the site, so it makes it as user friendly as possible.


28 Feb 2008, 09:11 PM
Nice and clean. Like the colors. Don't like the scrolling products. Not a fan of Joomla, but it does have a good community. However, if you're looking to improve ;) try ModX (http://www.modxcms.com) . Good overall effort. I can't complain about much, besides this is a pretty subjective business, isn't it?

There may be an image missing on the homepage. It is rather plain, but maybe it's not showing up for me. I'd work on adding some images - ONLY if they're relevant. Don't add images just for the sake of adding them. With that said people are visually stimulated and if you can tell them what you do or sell by showing them an image then do it.

Not bad.