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View Full Version : Help me to show the image in my site

28 Feb 2008, 11:43 PM
I have an icon Logo1.gif downloaded on /home/dhivya/html/ folder.

But I can't make it to work on my simple homepage. What line shall I enter

on /home/dhivya/html/myhomepage.html file?

I tried something like <A


It can't work. Only the word logo displayed on the homepage. Please

advise. TIA

On browser URL box;

displaying it and working.

Furthermore how to control its rotation speed and the size of this icon w/o

re-edit it on graphic software.

29 Feb 2008, 01:57 AM
The code for a simple link is:-

<a href="logo1.gif">logo</a>

where the logo1.gif is in the same folder (html) as the html file. You don't need to state the other folders in this case.

If your logo1.gif is in another folder you need to link to the folder. See the rules on this page:-


Furthermore how to control its rotation speed and the size of this icon w/o
re-edit it on graphic software.

If it's an animated gif, then form a new gif. http://www.whitsoftdev.com/unfreez/ is a simple program.