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View Full Version : New to websites, quetion about buying & creating websites and bank loans

07 Mar 2008, 01:22 PM
Hi, I'm new here and I did look over all the boards before posting this but I'm not sure where this topic would fit in exactly so I chose this board.

I'm interested in either purchasing or creating a website in the near future. I have never owned or managed a website before, so this would be my first time.

I'm leaning toward the option of buying an already established website as there is an immediate cash i***ow. But I need more information on a few areas.

When buying a website, is it recommended to buy in a field you are knowledgeable in (for example, technology) so to be able to update daily? I see many people selling and buying websites dealing with seemingly random subject matter to them. When purchasing a website do you need to have in depth knowledge to carry on the daily updates that its previous owner already established?

Also, how secure is cash flow from a website? I realize there are ups and downs, but what extremes does it fluctuate between? Can, for example, a website making 2000 average the past 5 months go down to a thousand in a matter of a couple of months despite you updating it daily?

I'm thinking of investing in a website that makes around 2000 a month. How much does a site in that ballpark cost, generally speaking? I'm interested in saving the income to purchase further websites to diversify and make my income base more steady and predictable. What kind of websites would you recommend for a beginner? One that I have knowledge in or one that is really general (appeals to a wide audience rather than to a niche market) even if I do not have much knowledge in the field?

I'm also considering the other option of tarting a website from the ground up.
Since I don't know anything about website design, in that case I would have to hire a professional web designer to make the website for me. How much do web designers charge for a website? (in what range) However, I would assume setting up my own business would be much more difficult for a first timer, having to create traffic, affiliates, and marketing the site from nothing up. I don't know much about any of those things, though I could learn. Is there a good website that has in depth information on how to create traffic and how to market your websites as well as what kind of elements are necessary to make a successful business out of your site? I would consider learning how to create my own site, however I don't know anything of HTML and I want a clean looking, appealing website that would probably take me a year to learn -time which I don't have right now.

Also, do banks provide business loans for buying or creating for profit websites? I don't know if purchasing or upstarting a website qualifies for a business loan.

Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!