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View Full Version : Members Only User Name and Pass Word for pages

02 Apr 2008, 04:30 PM
With AuthPro says you can create password protected membership area on websites. I am now going three Freewebs.com

I have 3 pages I want to viewed by members only right now of cource they are not posted online! Cause I cannot hide them from the general public. I have the freewebs one pass word option for all my useres but don't want that password to be posted up online so all can get access to my information that I am selling.

I want to set all three pages up to be used with Authpros user name/pass word log in feature.

Freewebs wrote me and said this could be done threw AuthPro But, but also said when I upgrade either by getting my doname name or by getting the Enhanced packedge that I will have to go back to basic free program to get HTML Code.

But threw Authpro to have individual user name pass word options I need to copy and paste few lines of HTML code from Authpro, inorder to engadge the usernamer name/password option.

Authpro says they have no programming required and that it will be compatible with all websites.

So I wrote freewebs in asking if it that will that be the case if I upgrade to Enhanced. Will the Enhanced packedge be able to read HTML Code From soreces such as . AuthPro, You Tube, and Your Text Editor, when I upgrade to Enhanced packedge?

I have 3 pages wich I can not put up cause I have to hide them from public cause I am selling informaiton! So these pages need to be pass word protected. Being that I am using a cut and past program from Authpro to make this happen Will it be compatable with me putting my pages back up onine but have the informaiton hidden untill the customer puts in there long in information?

My That need Username/Password protection are:
Employers List
Members Forums Page
Video Links Page

My Customers will be paying with paypall the member shop is for one year afterwich they will need to pay again to continue there services for the new updated list of new employers.

Please help me I need to make some extra money and need to get this up ASAP! thanks pearl

I just dont under Stand how all this is going to work. And am considering hiring someone to cut and past the code into my pages but realy cant afford this and dont want to pay if application is not going to work at all along with freewebs site. Can you help me I despertly need your help? thanks